
Showing posts from July, 2017

#love of my life #swan #ManoloBlahnik why am I covered in feathers?

#this #sweetlittleguy is waiting for his #mommy #pandora #charm #bracelet #smartowls

Here is something you might not have known, #herkimer #diamonds go to my #blog and check them out #blogger #ElZaBoutiqueSupplemental

Tired of mischief management, mama's the best sleeping spot. #awesome #kitten I'm honored to be his mom.

On the scale of one to complete moron how serious they are when they advise you to wear gloves when dying hair? #glorious #haircolor

Designing Pandora bracelets

Money troubles 

#unique #10kgold #brideandgroom #fresh #wedding #marriage #proposal #love #lovers #blog

If you know what this is, you are an #engineer . If you need it, I have one to spare. Unfortunately I not only know what that is, but how to use it too. #engineers #curse #caliper #blog

This is supposed to be #cinderellacastle in #disneyland , but to me it looks like #Dracula's #castle . #no Returns on #Dracula's #castle by the way ...

See that? It's #tourmaline . Now go to #blogger #ElZaBoutique #supplemental to read up on #health #benefits and outright #magical #properties of tourmaline. #blog

#eyelashes #black #long yes I do. #blog

#flapper #coinpurse #handbag #silver #vermail #vermeil #blog

#bridal #fashion #tender #blossoms #blog

#Rose #ring #silver come on in! #ElZaBoutique #blog

Tourmaline miracle 

Being a #dork runs in #family, even #adopted one affected. #simba on the #priderock that's my leg under there. #blog