Abbreviations commonly used in user selling sited

Here I list (in no particular order) abbreviations that I use a lot:

NWT - new with tags.

NWOT - new without tags.

IOB - in original box.

IOP - in original packaging. 

Here are the abbreviations I have seen, but never used:

MIB: 'Mint in Box' means this item is in MINT condition and in its original box.

NIB: 'New in the Box' means the item looks the way it did when it came from the factory, and more than likely never played with. 

NRFB: 'Never Removed From the Box' means the item has never been taken out of the original box, thus never handled. 

NOS: 'New Old Stock' generally refers to a 'lot' or 'bulk' items that have been discovered tucked away from an old store or business. Generally these items are in their original packaging which generally has 'shelf dust,' but the actual item has been protected. 

MIBS: There is NO such initial description as MIBS when referring to antiques and collectibles. MIBS is a error/mistake that obviously was made while someone was listing on Ebay. Actually the correct term is MIB. So often sellers copy/follow others when listing, and the mistake has been repeated. To be a knowledgeable seller, use the term MIB, not MIBS. 

MISB means Mint in Sealed Box - If the box has a cellophane wrapper, and it has not been removed, MISB is used. 

So far that is as much as I have discovered, but hopefully it will grow. 




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