The place of the woman in America.
This rant was inspired by people criticizing (of course jokingly) my clothes, color of my hair, my belly button piercing, etc.
However "jokingly" doesn't register in my mind. I'm Russian (for all intents and purposes) we have a saying "there is part of truth in every joke". For me it means I didn't get the joke part, my sense of humor is incompatible with this kind of jokes.
Women in this country are put in their place so hard and fast they defend it. Men don't even have to do anything, because women are doing the work of putting the stray ones in their proper place since the dawn of time, and here it seems to have stuck.
In country touting equality and freedom it's so much more shocking. (Jokingly).
I traveled a lot, have seen a lot of different cultures, and the one comparable to here is in muslim countries.
Everywhere you go You are supposed to adhere to very strict code of conduct.
Length of skirt, tightness of pants,
Depth of low neck
Amount of Makeup
Amount and size of Jewelry
Hair color
All of this is regulated by someone. Usually women (especially in companies). Also usually women are normally, par for the course, considered the worst offenders of those codes of conduct and dress.
Why not lace?
Why not low neck?
Why not leggings?
Why not short skirt?
Because men can't handle it, or because other women are either too old, ugly or fat to do the same thing? I had that situation, and I managed to look sexy in proper clothes, with everything covered. Needless to say I was sacked soon after. By the wish of an little minded yoga teacher cum project manager. She mostly was afraid for her spot of course, but you need to invent reasons, right?
Bear in mind though, you only too fat, ugly and old in your own, illiterate, uneducated eyes. Because you were raised stupid, ignorant, uneducated by your mom and all women in your life, as your mom was raised stupid, ignorant, uneducated by her mom and women around her. Men have done very little for it.
You were tough and strong willed enough to actually do something about it? Were you though? Amelia Eirhardt was. What's your hero? Pockachontas - traitor of her tribe, and murderer by proxy? Cinderella? (Jokingly).
Overall America bore very little amount of strong women. They weren't in favour. The pretty women were. How many of you knew that Marilyn Monroe had a good pen pal, Albert Einstein, and they discussed theory of relativity, not the size of her breasts.
She read unabridged works of Zigmind Froid, have you tried that? I have took me a month to cover his lectures but I couldn't take no more. And yet, she is famous for her breasts and look under skirt. And she was wize, in a way, she hid the smarts, swallowed tears and worked. Because in this country pretty trumps smart every time.
I'm straining to remember other strong women in American history who became famous for it, not for beauty and coming up blank. Give me a min... I mean a week, or better a month, to do some research.
Spelling Mistakes can be noted in comments, this article is raw.
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