More about my jewelry testing process
All jewelry metal always tested regardless of hallmarks, markings, signatures, etc. using GemOro Auracle testing device for gold and platinum and acid test for silver. If not stated otherwise assume the piece is plated, base metal either stated or unknown.
All gold, platinum and expensive silver items are usually cleaned, polished, tested and inspected for anything out of place (missing stones, scratches, other blemishes and such).
Note: even very gently worn items will have micro scratches visible under magnification, however, any Imperfections, blemishes or scratches visible to the naked eye are noted and if possible shown on the pictures.
Silver is tested in different ways, large quantities of cheap silver items are tested with special rare earth metal - neodymium magnet.
Note: pure silver is not attracted to magnets, even as strong as neodymium. However, the additives in it might be. Remember, 925, or sterling silver has 92.5% silver, the rest is some other metals. So if I mark item as “failed magnet test” it doesn’t necessarily mean fake. Also note that the closure on silver chains might have a metal spring, and be attracted to magnet because of that.
Next is an acid test, Certain acids react with silver in a way that lets me distinguish the purity of silver (but not the other additives). It is a more definitive, if not very precise method, accepted in jewelry industry. Similar tests for gold and platinum are also accepted.
Precious stones are tested using Presidium gemstone testing device.
Diamonds are tested with standard industry approved diamond tester.
Moissanites are tested with standard industry approved diamond/moissanite tester.
Note: all moissanites are lab created, that’s why they are called “most ethical diamonds”, it doesn’t affect their price, however ones with Charles and Colvard certificate may cost more. Natural moissanites have been mined many years ago and exist only in vintage jewelry.
Semiprecious stones are identified by tables, pictures and other information in specialty books and experience when possible.
Synthetic stones are noted when possible.
Unless otherwise stated assume that synthetic stones were used where synthetic types are available.
Gemstones without the designation “natural” are assumed lab created (synthetic).
Alexandrites have to be noted specifically - I have neither equipment nor expertise to determine natural/lab created alexandrites, I assume they all are lab created unless I have paperwork proving otherwise.
I do not have equipment or expertise to test cultured vs. non-cultured pearls. When I’m not sure of origins I assume they are cultured. Faux pearls can be shell pearls or acrylic beads covered by pearlescent coat, they are always noted distinctly. Acrylic beads can be checked at home, as they are warm to touch, natural pearls and any other stones are cold to touch, it has to do with thermal conductivity of stone or glass vs plastic or acrylic.
Cultured pearls are real pearls and so are non-cultured natural pearls, they all come from oysters. Saltwater vs freshwater pearls are noted when possible. More on pearl later.
I do not have equipment to properly identify new/vintage amber or synthetic/natural. Assume that it’s manufactured unless noted otherwise.
Irregular (rough) form is a good indicator of natural Amber, pearl or stone.
Digital micrometer (caliper) is used for millimeter measurements of small items like stones in jewelry when possible.
Flexible measuring tape is used for measurement of inches/cm of soft form items, like clothing, handbags, etc. All items laid out flat for measuring process when possible.
Weights are determined by industry approved applicable digital scales.
All measurements are rounded according to mathematical rules.
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