Choosing your diamonds: moissanite 

Moissanite, originally discovered in 1893 in a meteor crater, is a very rare and scarce mineral. Therefore, moissanite as we know it today is almost exclusively lab grown. 

On the Moh's scale of hardness moissanite is rated as a 9.25, which is a great score that is higher than any gemstone used in jewelry besides diamonds. Diamonds, which are the hardest known mineral, score a 10. Sapphires with the closest hardness are a 9. 

Brilliance, which refers to the ability to reflect white light, is a good measure for how much a diamond will ‘sparkle’. Moissanite disperses light very well and is actually more brilliant than a diamond. Additionally, moissanite is less likely to attract grease or dirt than a diamond and should keep the ‘sparkle’ longer in between cleanings.


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